Enter Search advertisin g giant Google.now a Household name,Google has shown an interest in spreading its visitor,its brand,its search and ad-revenue-based platform,and its suite tools to the wireless marketplace.The company's business model has been amazingly successful on the Internet and technology speaking,wireless isn't that different.
Next,Google joined with other like-minded member in the wireless community and posed the following question:What would it take to build a better mobile phone?
The Open Handset Alliance(OHA)was formed in Nowember 2007 to answer that very question.The OHA is a business alliance comprised of many of the Largest and most successful mobile companies on the planet.Its member include chip markers,handset manufacturers,spftware developers,and servise providers.The entire mobile supply chain
is well represented.
Manufacturers:Designing the Android handsets
More than half member of the OHA are handset manufacturees,such as Samsung,Motorola,HTC,and LG and semiconductor companies,such as Intel,Texas Instruments, NVINDIA,and Qualcomm.These Companies are helping the first generation of Android Handsets.